The Office Facts

  1. 1. What is the first name of the person Michael marrys in the end
  2. 3. Holly's last name
  3. 6. Andy's first and last name
  4. 9. Only thing you see on Creed's screen
  5. 10. U.S. network “The Office” airs on
  6. 12. Creed's last name
  1. 1. Phyllis auctions off this at Michaels auction event
  2. 2. Holly decides to auction _ _ off, at Michaels auction event
  3. 4. Stanley is always doing _ Puzzles
  4. 5. Creed's last name
  5. 7. How many seasons does the office have?
  6. 8. How many Kid's do Pam and Jim have?
  7. 9. David Wallace's new buissness idea(that the government bought)
  8. 11. Michael's middle name