The Office

  1. 3. manufacturing site
  2. 4. entrance hall
  3. 7. work support
  4. 8. without profit
  5. 9. gathering
  6. 12. friendship
  7. 14. limit time
  8. 15. computer
  9. 17. asking some people
  10. 18. plan
  11. 19. demand
  12. 20. buyer
  13. 22. where you sit
  1. 1. shows curves following axis
  2. 2. people working together
  3. 5. affirm
  4. 6. manager
  5. 10. office
  6. 11. study of market
  7. 13. QG
  8. 14. part of a company
  9. 16. concern
  10. 20. boss
  11. 21. employee
  12. 23. take someone as a new employee