The Olympics Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. how many types of Olympics happen
  2. 3. what is it called when no points are scored in a tennis game.
  3. 5. where are the 2024 Olympics being held this year?
  4. 7. what do athletes compete for in the Olympics?
  5. 8. what do you hit the ball with in tennis?
  6. 9. what do you win if you come in first place at the Olympics?
  7. 10. what is the award for second place at the Olympics?
  8. 11. how often are the Olympic Games held?
  9. 12. how many rings are there in the Olympics symbol?
  1. 1. how many players are on a tennis court in a singles match?
  2. 2. A big sports event where athletes from all over the world compete.
  3. 4. what color is the Olympic medal for third place?
  4. 6. _______, yellow, black, green, and red are the colors of the Olympic rings.
  5. 7. What is the name of the race where athletes run a distance of 26.2 miles?
  6. 9. In which country did ancient Olympics originate?
  7. 10. what starts a tennis point?