The Other Side of Heaven

  1. 6. a critical action that kept him going
  2. 7. an ocean storm made of wind and water
  3. 8. Tongan word for "meal"
  4. 10. spreading the word of your religion
  5. 13. the only way to get from island to island
  6. 15. an island in the Pacific
  7. 16. an abbreviation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
  8. 18. a place to hold church meetings
  9. 19. the main color of the Mormon school in Tonga
  1. 1. the easiest way to communicate between islands
  2. 2. an object that made Elder Groberg very famous
  3. 3. sharing what you believe in
  4. 4. Elder Groberg's first mission companion
  5. 5. the capital of Tonga
  6. 9. Falls he place Elder Groberg lived prior to his mission
  7. 11. a small piece of land in the ocean
  8. 12. something that Tongans do to mourn
  9. 13. helps kids to learn...Elder Groberg organized a new one
  10. 14. Elder Groberg used these to communicate with his family & friends back home
  11. 17. surrounds the islands of Tonga