The Other Side of the Sky

  1. 3. Farah's friend/mother figure in America
  2. 6. The thing that hit Farah’s home
  3. 7. Farah’s god
  4. 11. Farah’s last name
  5. 12. The place that took care of Farah for two years
  6. 14. What Farah had to get for her leg
  7. 15. The country where Farah was born
  8. 17. The person who kept Farah company while she was in the hospital in Germany
  9. 18. The narrator of the story
  10. 20. What caused the terrible accident Farah had when she was seven
  11. 21. The thing Farah wonders what is on the other side of
  1. 1. The reason Farah and her family had to flee Kabul
  2. 2. Farah’s first car
  3. 4. A term used for people who have to leave their country because of war, persecution, or natural disasters
  4. 5. The country Farah and her mom crossed the border of
  5. 8. Farah’s ethnic group
  6. 9. The place Farah’s mother's cousin told them to meet her
  7. 10. The city Farah and her mom were placed once allowed into America
  8. 13. The sickness Farah's mother has
  9. 16. What Farah was promised she could wear if she left for Germany
  10. 19. Farah’s native language