The Outsiders

  1. 3. One of the gangs in Ponyboy's town
  2. 4. Ponyboy's gang
  3. 6. The Police
  4. 7. Favored weapon of the Greasers
  5. 9. Where Ponyboy and Johnny sleep
  6. 13. Looks like a sad puppy
  7. 14. Gun
  1. 1. Car of the Socs
  2. 2. Where the church burns
  3. 5. A gang fight
  4. 8. Author of the outsiders
  5. 10. Where the outsiders takes place
  6. 11. Tougher than the rest of the gang
  7. 12. What Pony and Cherry watch
  8. 14. Greaser's most prized possession