The Parable of the Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37

  1. 5. Jesus asked, "Which of these __________ do you think was a neighbor?" (Luke 10:36)
  2. 6. Jesus said, "Love your neighbor as __________." (Luke 10:27)
  3. 10. A word that means showing kindness and mercy (Luke 10:33)
  4. 13. Jesus told this story to tell us we should help our __________. (Luke 10:36)
  5. 14. The person who cared for the wounded man (Luke 10:35)
  6. 16. The person who helped the injured man was a __________. (Luke 10:33)
  7. 18. Who told this story to show us how we are to help someone? (Luke 10:30)
  8. 19. Number of men who did not help the injured man (Luke 10:31-32)
  1. 1. Someone asked Jesus, "What must I do to inherit __________ life?" (Luke 10:25)
  2. 2. Jesus told a story of a man who was traveling to this city. (Luke 10:30)
  3. 3. Jesus told this story of a man who went from __________ to Jericho. (Luke 10:30)
  4. 4. Two silver _________ were given to the innkeeper to help care for the injured man. (Luke 10:35)
  5. 5. Jesus was called this name (Luke 10:25)
  6. 7. Kindness given to a person who does not deserve it (Luke 10:37)
  7. 8. The Samaritan saw the man and bandaged his __________, pouring on oil and wine. (Luke 10:34)
  8. 9. Jesus said, "__________ your neighbor." (Luke 10:27)
  9. 11. This person did not help the wounded man, but passed by on the other side of the road (Luke 10:31)
  10. 12. The place where the injured man was taken (Luke 10:34)
  11. 15. This person did not help the injured man, but passed by on the other side of the road. (Luke 10:32)
  12. 17. Those who stripped this man of his clothes and beat him were called __________. (Luke 10:30)