“The Parable of The Sower: Good Seed. Good Soil?” | Matthew 13:1-23 Bible Study ✞-word | 9.11.24
- 2. Despite His ____, many people refuse to be faithful to Jesus (Mt 11:20-22, 12:14, 24; cf. Mt 12:46-50).
- 4. Good seed falling on good soil describes ____-ful followers. If the Gospel truly takes root, the Gospel truly makes ___ – godly character and conduct (Mt 13:8, 23; Mt 3:8-10, 7:16-20).
- 9. In their lives, backburner “believers” allow the concerns of daily life and the deceitfulness of wealth to compete for attention that should be paid to the Gospel. Like thorny weeds, this competition ___ the message and makes them unfruitful (Mt 13:7, 22; cf. Mt 6:19-21, 24, 33; 1 Tim 6:9-10).
- 10. Jesus often teaches in ___, metaphorical comparisons that reveal truth to those who seek it – yet conceal it from those who don’t (Mt 13:3; 13:11-16; cf. Is 6:9-10).
- 1. Those who are faithful to Christ the King, and are therefore inside the ____ as members of His family (Mt 12:46-50), receive insider information. Outsiders do not (Mt 13:10-18).
- 3. (Three words) The farmer/sower is most likely Jesus, who is the prophesied ___ __ ___ (cf. Mt 13:37; Dn 7:13-14).
- 5. Seed sown on rocky ground describes fair-weather “fans” who hear and accept the message quickly, but then quickly fall away when things heat up and times get tough. Being superficial and shallow, they have no deep ____ (Mt 13:5-6, 20-21; cf. Mt 5:10-12; 10:22, 24:9-11; Jn 6:26, 66, 15:18).
- 6. The seed is the ___ message of the kingdom (Mt 13:19f.).
- 7. (Two words) The ___ ___ (Satan) snatches the seed that is sown in the hearts of hard-hearted hearers, like birds snatch and eat seed sown on the path (Mt 13:4, 19).
- 8. Useless, unfruitful plants are destined for the ____ (Mt 3:10, 7:19).