The Periodic Table

  1. 1. The vertical columns on the Periodic Table are called _________.
  2. 4. Iron, cobalt and nickel are the only metals that are ___________.
  3. 6. If a metal can be hammered into shape without cracking, it is classed as being ___________.
  4. 7. If a metal rings when struck it is classed as being ___________.
  5. 10. A _________ property is how a substance behaves.
  6. 13. The _________ table arranges the elements in order of their atomic number.
  7. 14. The Group 7 elements are known as the __________.
  8. 17. The non-metals are found on the ______ side of the Periodic Table.
  9. 18. The Group 1 elements are known as the __________ metals.
  10. 19. Iron, magnesium and copper are examples of this material.
  1. 2. A _________ property can be measured.
  2. 3. The metals are found on the _______ side of the Periodic Table.
  3. 5. Metals are good conductors of _________ and heat.
  4. 8. If a metal can be drawn into a wire, it is classed as being _________.
  5. 9. The most reactive Group 7 element.
  6. 11. The horizontal rows on the Periodic Table are called ________.
  7. 12. Metals generally have ________ melting points.
  8. 15. The Group 1 metal that has the highest melting point.
  9. 16. The Group 0 elements are known as the __________ gases.