The Peruvian Contingent

  1. 4. Which city had its walls come tumbling down?
  2. 7. How many stones did David take to fight Goliath?
  3. 8. Who built the ark?
  4. 10. "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is ____"
  5. 11. Who was the Persian king who allowed the people to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple?
  6. 12. Who was put in a basket and floated down the Nile?
  7. 14. In alphabetical order, who offered up strange fire to the Lord in Lev. 10?
  8. 15. Who rebuked Asa for making a treaty with Ben-hadad?
  1. 1. According to 1 Chron., how many years did David reign in Hebron?
  2. 2. How many men of the other Nebo returned after the wall was rebuilt in Nehemiah's time?
  3. 3. Who was Solomon's governor/deputy in Mahanaim?
  4. 5. What was the name of Jonathan's son that David showed kindness to after taking the throne?
  5. 6. One man + one oxgoad + God = 600 dead Philistines. Who is he?
  6. 9. In Numbers, what chapter did the Lord send quail
  7. 12. Ruth was from where?
  8. 13. Who came from Aram to see Elisha about his skin disease?