The Planets and our Solar System.

  1. 5. A dwarf planet that sometimes isn't included in models of the Solar System.
  2. 6. Our planet.
  3. 10. The 4 small inner planets of the Solar System.
  4. 11. The galaxy in which our Solar System is located.
  5. 13. Eclipse When the Moon passes in the Earths shadow.
  6. 15. Small, rocky, metallic bodies found all over the Solar System.
  7. 16. An ice giant that has winds of up to 2000 km/h.
  8. 18. Has a spectacular system of rings, made up of ice and dust.
  9. 19. The hottest planet.
  10. 20. Eclipse When the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth and casts a shadow on the Earth.
  1. 1. Is a piece of solid rocky and/or metallic debris that travels in outer space.
  2. 2. Average sized, yellow star
  3. 3. Made up of water ice, rock, dust and organic compounds - often referred to as a "dirty snowball".
  4. 4. The Largest planet.
  5. 7. Fastest moving planet, closest to the sun.
  6. 8. Each planet has their own which extends out and forms around each planet.
  7. 9. The much larger, outer planets.
  8. 12. Called the Red Planet.
  9. 14. A natural satellite that orbits Earth.
  10. 17. An Ice Giant that spins on its side.