The poet X

  1. 3. First period
  2. 5. understanding teacher
  3. 6. Expressing yourself
  4. 8. Saying No to
  5. 9. papa is too
  6. 10. Twins love
  7. 12. Xiomara can’t
  8. 15. ditch
  9. 16. Mami has too many
  10. 17. father Sean
  11. 18. Shouldn’t have a
  12. 19. A thing to love
  1. 1. hands meets
  2. 2. Writings
  3. 4. X meets A
  4. 7. Notebook
  5. 11. Tell someone you love them
  6. 13. lunch with poetry friend
  7. 14. church
  8. 15. best friend