The Poisonwood Bible Vocabulary

  1. 1. Synonyms: discombobulated, botched, puzzled
  2. 2. Synonyms: mass destruction or devastation
  3. 3. military action that had a major impact on the United States economy during World War 2
  4. 5. Procrastinating in an AP class can be extremely ? to your grade.
  5. 6. The presenter made an ? comment which lost his audience's respect and tainted his reputation.
  6. 7. Antonym: being accepting of everyone disregarding race
  7. 8. An angered brother threatened his little sister with the ? of her favorite toy.
  8. 10. Schools and most public places have ? plans in case of emergencies such as intruders or natural disasters.
  9. 11. Because of their lack of experience, teenagers sometimes cast ? votes in their first presidential election.
  10. 12. being affiliated with shady or underhanded activities
  11. 13. "Romeo and Juliet" is a tragic story of the repercussions of complicated ?.
  12. 14. The essay's random and ? composition was not up to the level that the teacher expected.
  13. 16. You could hear the baby's ? all throughout the night.
  14. 18. Our student section at football games should like spirited and ? at all home games and not just Homecoming.
  15. 20. The stray dog showed signs of ? after living on scraps for weeks.
  16. 21. The opposing army realized that once they were ? that they had no more tactical advantages.
  17. 22. The young toddler showed an instantaneous ? for her new baby sister which was pleasing to her parents.
  1. 1. Celebrities have to tolerate with being constantly ? by press and fans everywhere they go.
  2. 2. Examples: the Philippines, Hawaii, Samoa
  3. 4. Holocaust survivors tell chilling stories about being ?(-ed)of all of their possessions.
  4. 9. It's problematic to work in a strained partnership where your partner's views are ? from yours.
  5. 10. For any team to be successful they must be ? and show a display of working well together.
  6. 15. At 3:05 every day everyone looks ? and anxious to go home from school.
  7. 17. Antonyms: organized, neat, concise, clear
  8. 19. We offer Latin classes even though the language is considered ?.