The Populations

  1. 5. A Living organism/s leaving their natural habitat an moving somewhere else
  2. 7. A measure how many living organisms are living and how spread out are in a given area
  3. 9. Structure A distribution of people in various ages
  4. 10. Competition, parasitism & disease, stress from over crowding, predation and herbivory
  5. 11. A unrestricted growth of a population when there are unlimited resources
  6. 13. Number of living organisms living in an area
  1. 1. A living organism/s settling in a habitat that they aren't native to
  2. 2. Extreme weather and natural disasters
  3. 3. Keeps a population size to continue growing or stops it
  4. 4. How much space a land or resource can hold for a population
  5. 6. When every organism in a population will have equal resources and chances of surviving
  6. 8. Rates of deaths, births, incomes, disease
  7. 12. Physical system from one area or condition to another.