The Ransom of Red Chief

  1. 4. to act according to a command or request
  2. 6. payment demanded for the release of a person or property
  3. 7. spread through every part
  4. 9. a suggested plan
  5. 10. figure of speech that refers to a well-known story, event, person, or object in order to make a comparison in the readers' minds
  6. 11. type of irony when a character is unaware of something that audience members or other characters know
  7. 12. type of irony when on thing is expected to happen but something entirely different takes place
  8. 14. verbal attack; harsh criticism
  1. 1. secretly
  2. 2. to work together on a project
  3. 3. type of irony when someone says something but means the opposite
  4. 4. to praise
  5. 5. necessary supplies, especially food
  6. 8. pleasant to taste
  7. 13. bold and disrespectful