The remarkable story of Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  1. 2. Finding one's way through or successfully maneuvering in a situation or environment.
  2. 6. Highly influential or important in shaping future developments or ideas.
  3. 9. A guiding light or signal; a source of inspiration or hope.
  4. 10. The ability to recover and bounce back from difficult or challenging situations.
  5. 12. Evidence or proof of something; a demonstration or affirmation of the truth or existence of a particular quality or concept.
  6. 15. Characterized by unrest, disorder, or disturbance; marked by sudden and unpredictable changes.
  7. 17. The most perfect or typical example of something; the purest or essential form of a quality or concept.
  8. 18. A person who operates or pilots an aircraft; a pilot.
  9. 20. Deprived or lacking something, especially non-material or intangible qualities.
  1. 1. A factual written account or record of events in the order of their occurrence; a history.
  2. 3. Causing a marked change or profound impact; bringing about a significant transformation.
  3. 4. Difficulties, challenges, or misfortunes faced in life.
  4. 5. The process of giving individuals or groups the authority, confidence, and power to control their own lives or make decisions affecting themselves.
  5. 7. Without limits or boundaries; infinite or limitless.
  6. 8. The capacity for rational thought, reasoning, and understanding.
  7. 11. A place of refuge or safety; a peaceful and protected space.
  8. 13. Involving new ideas, methods, or approaches; leading the way in a particular field or endeavor.
  9. 14. Providing relief or release of pent-up emotions or tension.
  10. 16. The right or condition of self-government or self-determination; the ability to make independent decisions and act freely.
  11. 19. A typical or representative example of a certain person or thing; a universally recognized symbol or pattern.