The Renal System

  1. 2. A substance found in urine
  2. 5. A method for testing urine using dipsticks
  3. 7. Storage area for urine
  4. 10. Tubes that drain urine from the kidneys to the bladder
  5. 11. A person who is overweight suffers from this.
  6. 12. Filters waste and fluid from the body
  7. 13. Problems that are made worse by more than one factor
  1. 1. The outlet for urine when it leaves the body.
  2. 3. the medical term for high blood pressure
  3. 4. One of the many risk factors that contributes to kidney disease
  4. 6. A treatment for chronic kidney failure
  5. 8. A machine that artificially filters waste from the blood
  6. 9. A small muscle that prevents urine leakage from the bladder