  1. 1. lungs expand through contraction which increases lung volume
  2. 4. no muscle contraction are involved process
  3. 5. lung collapse is prevented by adhesion of the membranes
  4. 8. two phases of breathing: expiration
  5. 9. expansion of the lungs is helped by between pleurae
  6. 10. exchanging gases between the blood and the body cells
  7. 12. when the inspiratory muscles,the diaphragm and external intercostals
  8. 13. breathing or pulmonary ventilation is a process
  9. 21. process of moving air into and out of the lungs
  10. 22. lung collapse due to alveoli collapse
  11. 23. when inspiratory muscles contract,intra-pulmonary volume
  12. 24. pressure inside the lung is pressure
  13. 25. the lungs adhere tightly to the walls
  14. 28. movement of air out of the lung
  15. 30. if the intrapleural pressure becomes equal to the atmospheric pressure the lungs immediately
  1. 2. gases passively flow out to the pressure
  2. 3. using the oxygen in cell processes and the production of carbon dioxide
  3. 6. movement of air into the lung
  4. 7. alveolar pressure> pressure during expiration
  5. 11. exchanging gases between the air in the lungs and the blood
  6. 14. during inhalation lungs fill with
  7. 15. is reversed by drawing air out of the intrapleural space
  8. 16. ease with which the lungs and thoracic wall can be expended
  9. 17. intrapleural pressure is always
  10. 18. gas travels from pressure to low pressure areas
  11. 19. pressure between the pleurae is pressure
  12. 20. pressure changes that drive inhalation and exhalation are governed,in part,by law
  13. 26. gas transport by
  14. 27. At the end of a normal expiration the chest is the rib cage is descended
  15. 29. and by the presence of surfactant in