The Respiratory System

  1. 2. oxygen moves from the lungs to the bloodstream
  2. 5. the cardiovascular system moves O2 from the lungs to the rest of the body
  3. 7. Network of tubes that conduct air through the lungs
  4. 9. enters the respiratory system through the nose and mouth and passes down the throat
  5. 10. O2 in the blood diffuses from the blood into the body cells
  6. 11. muscle 1 Type of Respiratory Muscles
  7. 14. become slightly negative relative to atmospheric pressure
  8. 15. As air enters, it is warmed, moistened, and filtered
  9. 19. Also known as the windpipe
  10. 20. basketlike skeletal structure that forms the chest
  1. 1. Between the ribs
  2. 3. Allows for gas exchange by process called diffusion
  3. 4. mechanisms to avoid problems or tissue damage
  4. 6. expands as a result of the contraction of the diaphragm
  5. 8. In the neck
  6. 12. Primary organs of breathing and gas exchange
  7. 13. pulling the ribcage upwards and outwards
  8. 16. air between the lungs and the atmosphere during expiration
  9. 17. thin skeletal muscle that sits at the base of the chest and separates the abdomen from the chest
  10. 18. Common passage for respiratory and digestive systems