The Respiratory System

  1. 1. 2 narrower tubes that the trachea branches into
  2. 4. air passes from the pharynx into a triangle-shaped area called the voice box or
  3. 6. a tube that is held open by C-shaped rings of cartilage
  4. 8. a flap of tissue at the lower end of the pharynx
  5. 10. from Latin alveus means "cavity"
  6. 11. main organs of the respiratory system
  1. 2. a series of chemical reactions that transform the energy in food molecules to usuable energy
  2. 3. the movement of air into and out of the lungs
  3. 5. where air is warmed and moistened
  4. 7. lines the nose and most other airways in the respiratory system
  5. 9. a tubelike passageway at the top of the throat that recieves air, food, and liquids from the mouth or nose