The respiratory system

  1. 3. The bony frame work of the thoracic cavity
  2. 6. Bronchioles are air passages inside the lungs that branch off like tree limbs from the bronchi
  3. 7. It is the pipe that sends air to the lungs
  4. 9. These are the air sacs that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood
  5. 10. It is the organ that collects the air
  6. 11. the system in living organisms that takes up oxygen and discharges carbon dioxide in order to satisfy energy requirements
  1. 1. It is found at the end of the trachea and splits the air to each lung
  2. 2. This is the muscle that is responsible for inflating and deflating lungs
  3. 4. Serves as the entrance to the respiratory tract
  4. 5. Diffusion is the process whereby gases move from an area of high pressure to low pressure
  5. 8. The lungs and respiratory system allow oxygen in the air to be taken into the body