The Respiratory System

  1. 2. These intercostal muscles bring the rib cage downwards and inwards when exhaling.
  2. 3. Brown inhalers that can take up to 14 days to be fully effective.
  3. 9. The amount of air left in the lungs after fully exhaling.
  4. 10. This type of training increases the number of red blood cells after a while.
  5. 11. Helps to expand and contract the lungs.
  6. 12. The amount of air inspired or expired in a normal breath.
  1. 1. During inspiration the thoracic cavity ____________________ in size.
  2. 4. There is a high ____________________ of oxygen in the alveoli.
  3. 5. Equal to around 6-9L of air.
  4. 6. A part of the airway that houses the vocal chords.
  5. 7. Tiny air sacs that aid the change of fresh oxygen for used carbon dioxide.
  6. 8. A term used for the amount of gas in an area.