The Respiratory System

  1. 2. Air always moves from a ____ pressure environment
  2. 4. The amount of air inspired and expired each breath
  3. 7. The diaphragm is an _____ muscle
  4. 8. Maximum amount of air you can breathe out after a maximum inhalation
  5. 9. The maximal amount of oxygen that a person can take in, deliver and utilise in one minute, to be used by the working muscles to produce ATP
  6. 14. Your VO2 max increases with _____
  7. 15. The diaphragm ____ during inspiration
  8. 17. The lungs have different levels of ____ for holding air from inspiration and expelling air by expiration
  9. 18. There is a ___ concentration of carbon dioxide in the alveoli
  10. 19. Tidal volume _____ at around 40-60% maximal exercise intensity
  11. 20. The number of breaths taken per minute
  1. 1. The result of a blow to the diaphragm
  2. 3. The amount of air breathed in and out in 1 minute
  3. 5. What tidal volume is measured in
  4. 6. Where the vocal cords are held
  5. 10. Increased Tidal Volume, Respiratoy Rate and Ventilation are ________ to exercise for the respiratory system
  6. 11. When we breathe in the diaphragm moves _____
  7. 12. Vital capacity is used to determine any underlying _________
  8. 13. The site of gas exchange
  9. 16. Gaseous exchange occurs by the process of ____