The respiratory System

  1. 5. The muscle that contracts downwards pulling air into the lungs.
  2. 7. The passages that direct air into the right and left lung.
  3. 9. The gas needed for our body to use.
  4. 10. Breathing in
  5. 11. The air sacs where gaseous exchange takes place.
  6. 13. They pull the ribcage upwards helping to fill the lungs with air.
  7. 14. Sticky liquid that helps trap dirt and dust.
  1. 1. The name given to the exchange of gases into and out of the blood stream
  2. 2. Breathing out
  3. 3. The windpipe
  4. 4. The gas our body creates and needs to get rid of.
  5. 6. The smaller passages that direct air to the alveoli.
  6. 8. Blood vessels that surrounds the alveoli.
  7. 12. The two sacs that draw air into the body.