The Respiratory system

  1. 3. "Minute air sacs" where gaseous exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen take place between circulating blood and the air.
  2. 5. The respiratory system removes _____ from cells/ tissues & delivers it to environment. (2 words)
  3. 8. A long tube that connects Larynx to lungs.
  4. 10. The action of diaphragm contracting drawing air in the lungs.
  5. 11. Branches of the trachea that connect with each lung.
  6. 12. The ______ are the essential organs of the respiratory system.
  1. 1. Common to both the respiratory and digestive tracts>
  2. 2. The respiratory system takes in _____ from enviorment & delivers it to tissues and cells within body.
  3. 4. The action of relaxation of the diaphragm muscles releasing air from lungs.
  4. 6. Aka "Voice box" also regulates amount of air entering or exiting lungs.
  5. 7. The act of breathing.
  6. 9. Act of breathing consisting of 2 movements, Inspiration & expiration.