The Respiratory System

  1. 2. cartilage lid
  2. 6. the structures of the bronchial tree are contained in an organ known as
  3. 8. a symptom of asthma; breath sound caused caused by a partially obstructed airway
  4. 10. abnormally rapid rate of respiration
  5. 13. mysterious condition that kills apparently healthy babies
  6. 14. a bluish discoloration of the skin caused by lack of oxygen
  7. 16. the medical term for nosebleed
  1. 1. the loss of the ability to speak
  2. 3. the voice box
  3. 4. the windpipe
  4. 5. scientific name for whooping cough
  5. 7. air enters the body through the
  6. 9. a spasm of the diaphragm
  7. 11. a thick mucus secreted by the tissues lining the respiratory passages
  8. 12. noisy breathing while asleep
  9. 15. a grape like cluster of microscopic air sacs