The Respiratory System

  1. 2. Tiny hair-like projections that sweep away foreign particles from the lungs.
  2. 4. Contains a person's vocal cords.
  3. 6. A condition in which the air sacs are damaged and enlarged.
  4. 10. Something that blocks something else.
  5. 13. The two large tubes that split from the trachea and enter into the lungs.
  6. 14. A potentially deadly infection where the fluid fills the lungs.
  1. 1. Another word for lungs.
  2. 3. The main tube in the throat used for breathing.
  3. 5. A long term disease or disorder.
  4. 7. A slimy substance secreted by the body for the purpose of protection and lubrication.
  5. 8. Where oxygen is exchanged between the lungs and the blood.
  6. 9. When the airways become inflamed, narrow and swell.
  7. 11. The large muscle between the chest and abdomen that causes the lungs to expand and contract.
  8. 12. Inflammation of the bronchi.