The Respiratory System

  1. 3. Prevents food and liquids from entering the trachea
  2. 4. Stack of Cs
  3. 8. Connects with the first tracheal ring
  4. 11. Breathing out
  5. 12. Chronic inflammatory disease of bronchial tubes
  6. 14. Voice box
  7. 15. Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
  1. 1. Progressive long term loss of lung function
  2. 2. Coarse hairs in the vestibules
  3. 5. Opening over the true vocal cords
  4. 6. Receptors in the superior meatus
  5. 7. Inflammation of parietal pleura
  6. 9. Dome-shaped sheet of muscle
  7. 10. Breathing in
  8. 13. Large branches off the trachea