The respiratory system

  1. 3. dioxide The primary waste gas released during exhalation.
  2. 5. A chronic respiratory disease that causes narrowing of the airways.
  3. 7. Hair-like structures on cells that help move mucus and trapped particles out of the airways.
  4. 8. The part of the circulatory system that delivers oxygenated blood to the body's tissues.
  5. 10. A gas that makes up the majority of inhaled and exhaled air but is not involved in gas exchange.
  6. 12. The protein in red blood cells that binds oxygen for transport in the bloodstream.
  7. 15. A lung condition that damages alveoli, reducing oxygen absorption.
  8. 17. The process by which gases move from areas of high concentration to low concentration, such as oxygen moving from the alveoli to the blood.
  9. 20. The system that transports oxygenated blood from the lungs to the body and returns deoxygenated blood to the lungs for gas exchange.
  10. 23. The windpipe that directs air to the lungs.
  11. 24. The process of expelling air from the lungs after gas exchange has occurred.
  12. 26. Tiny sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs.
  13. 28. The cells responsible for gas exchange in the alveoli.
  14. 30. Small openings on plant leaves that allow for gas exchange, similar to alveoli in the lungs.
  15. 31. An alternative entry point for air, where it is filtered and humidified.
  16. 32. cells The specialized cells that regulate the opening and closing of stomata in plants, similar to the way respiratory muscles control air entry in animals.
  17. 33. The flap of tissue that prevents food from entering the trachea during swallowing.
  18. 35. The cells lining the respiratory tract that produce mucus to trap particles.
  1. 1. The process of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) moving between the alveoli and the blood.
  2. 2. The smaller airways branching off the bronchi in the lungs.
  3. 4. The voice box that also acts as a passage for air entering the trachea.
  4. 6. The exchange of gases between the air in the alveoli and the blood in the capillaries.
  5. 9. The process of air entering the body through the mouth or nose and traveling down the trachea to the bronchi and bronchioles.
  6. 11. The muscles between the ribs that assist in breathing by expanding and contracting the chest cavity.
  7. 13. The entry point for air into the respiratory system.
  8. 14. pressure The measurement of oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations that drive diffusion in the lungs.
  9. 16. The movement of air into and out of the lungs, including both inhalation and exhalation.
  10. 18. Small blood vessels surrounding the alveoli, where oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide is removed.
  11. 19. The part of the throat that connects the mouth to the esophagus and trachea.
  12. 21. The membrane that surrounds the lungs and lines the chest cavity to reduce friction during breathing.
  13. 22. The muscle that contracts to pull air into the lungs.
  14. 25. The primary gas absorbed by the body during inhalation.
  15. 27. The two large airways that lead from the trachea to the lungs.
  16. 29. cavity The area behind the nose where air is warmed and filtered before it enters the lungs.
  17. 34. The primary organ for gas exchange in the respiratory system.