The Respiratory System

  1. 1. production and release from a cell or a gland of a physiologically active substance
  2. 4. gas exchange between blood and tissues
  3. 5. cannot be measured by spirometry and amounts to about 1200mL in males and 1100mL in females
  4. 6. a rounded mass of nerves or bloood vessels, especially the microscopic tuft of capillaries that is surrounded by the glomerular capsule
  5. 7. solution that causes cells to shrink due to loss of water by osmosis
  6. 8. solution that causes cells to swell and perhaps rupture due to gain of water by osmosis
  7. 9. the flow of a liquid through a filter due to a hydrostatic pressure
  8. 11. the functional unit of the kidney
  1. 2. gas exchange between alveoli and blood
  2. 3. inhalation and exhalation
  3. 10. a solution having the same concentration of impermeable solutes as cytosol
  4. 12. an area, depression, or pit where blood vessels and nerves enter or leave an organ