The Respiratory System

  1. 3. a web of these surround the air sac walls
  2. 4. these are at the end of the bronchioles; this is where oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide leaves the blood
  3. 5. when you breath, this gas builds up in your blood
  4. 6. these are small tubes that branch from the bronchi and go into the lungs
  5. 9. the cells of all multicellular organisms need this gas for energy
  6. 10. the job of this organ system is to carry gasses between the outside air and your blood
  7. 13. these are tiny, hairlike structures on cells in the lining of many parts of the respiratory system
  1. 1. this sticky, thick fluid traps dust and germs from the air
  2. 2. the sound of your voice is the result of your breath making the vocal chords vibrate; vocal chords are stretched over this organ
  3. 3. this organ system works with the respiratory system; its blood picks up the oxygen and carries it to all your cells
  4. 6. the trachea leads to these 2 branches that go into the lungs
  5. 7. air enters your body through the mouth or this organ
  6. 8. when you hold your breath your brain sends a message to this organ and rib muscles telling them to breath
  7. 11. after air enters your body, it passes this organ; this is where air is warmed and moistened; then air goes to the larynx
  8. 12. this tube carries air from the larynx to the lungs