The Respiratory System

  1. 3. a muscle that separates the lungs from the abdominal cavity.
  2. 5. each bronchi divide many times into these smaller branches.
  3. 9. to breathe in.
  4. 10. air from the larynx passes through here. It divides at its lower end into the right bronchus and left bronchus.
  5. 11. also known as the voice box.
  6. 12. a tiny one-celled air sac
  7. 14. where air enters the body.
  1. 1. is a piece of cartilage that acts as a lid over the larynx.
  2. 2. has a left and right side, each enters directly into the lungs.
  3. 4. a tube shaped passage way for air and food.
  4. 6. the process of supplying the cells with oxygen and removing carbon dioxide from them.
  5. 7. a 2-layered sac that each lung is covered by.
  6. 8. to breathe out.
  7. 13. spongy like tissues that are made up of alveoli, blood vessels, and nerves.Each one of these are divided into lobes.