The Respiratory System

  1. 6. lid-like structure at the base of the tongue; swings downward and closes off the laryngopharynx so that food does not enter the trachea and lungs
  2. 7. Either of the two main branches of the trachea that lead to the lungs, where they divide into smaller branches.
  3. 8. help filter the air you breathe in, blocking dirt and dust from getting into your lungs.
  4. 9. AKA the windpipe
  5. 10. also known as the throat, is a muscular funnel that extends from the posterior end of the nasal cavity to the superior end of the esophagus and larynx.
  6. 11. cavity located between the lungs
  7. 12. dome-shaped, muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen in mammals
  8. 14. also known as the voice box, is a short section of the airway
  9. 15. thin, moist, and slippery membrane that covers the outer surface of the lungs and lines the inner surface of the rib cage
  1. 1. act of taking in air as the diaphragm contracts and pulls downward; causes thoracic cavity to expand
  2. 2. form a protective circle of lymphatic tissue around the entrance to the respiratory system
  3. 3. each of the pair of organs situated within the rib cage, consisting of elastic sacs with branching passages into which air is drawn, so that oxygen can pass into the blood and carbon dioxide be removed.
  4. 4. the passage formed by the mouth, nose, throat, and lungs, through which air passes
  5. 5. The primary branches of the respiratory system.
  6. 13. aka air sacs; very small grape-like clusters found at the end of each bronchiole