The Respiratory System

  1. 4. the trachea didvied into two major branches that lead to the lungs.
  2. 5. Nose
  3. 6. Ir forced through nose to clear respiratory tract.
  4. 8. deep breath followed by foreful expulsion of air.
  5. 10. is most and slippery.
  6. 13. Is the air passage behind the nose.
  7. 14. A sptum or cavity betwwn two promcipal portions of an organ
  8. 15. Teminal air sacs that surrounded by numerous pulmonary
  9. 16. Spangy bone in the inner nose.
  10. 19. Vital organ of our body located in the chest.
  11. 20. Deep prolonged breath that fills the lung.
  1. 1. around
  2. 2. frontal, ethmoidal, sphenoidal, maxillary.
  3. 3. atriangular chamber located below the pharunx.
  4. 7. opening and closeing to keep food out of windpipe.
  5. 8. act as a filter and keep dust and drit out of the nasal paaages.
  6. 9. occurs in the alveoli by a process called diffusion.
  7. 11. very tiny airways .
  8. 12. The carilage that divides the nose into right and left sides.
  9. 17. (windpipe) is the frist portion of the lower airway .
  10. 18. Hollow cavity