The revolutionary period 33

  1. 7. In what article does it mention that the United States in Congress have the exclusive right of determining on peace and war? pg.247
  2. 8. What year was the Articles of Confederations ratified by the states? pg.243
  3. 9. In determining questions in the United States in Congress assembled each state will have how many votes? pg.245
  4. 10. The final version of the Confederation was agreed on by the Continental Congress in what year? pg.243
  5. 11. Fill in the blank: "The United States of Congress shall also have the sole and exclusive right and power of regulating the ________ and value of coin struck.." pg.248
  6. 12. At most, how many years can a person be a delegate for? pg.245
  7. 14. Fill in the Blank: "The United States in Congress assembled shal also be the last resort on _________ in all disputes and differences.." pg.247
  8. 15. Fill in the blank: "The Congress of the United States shall have power to ________ to any time within the year.." pg 250
  1. 1. What year was the Articles of confederation replaced by the Constitution of the United States? pg.243
  2. 2. In Article XIII, What is to be inviolably observed by every state? pg.251
  3. 3. What Article mentions that all bills of credit emitted and money borrowed before the assembling of the United States are considered a charge against the United States? pg.251
  4. 4. What article mentions Canada acceding to this Confederation and joining in the measures of the United States? pg.250
  5. 5. Fill in the Blank: "No __________ of war shall be kept up in time of peace by any state," pg.245
  6. 6. In Which article does it mention that Each state retains it's sovereignty, freedom and independence? pg.244
  7. 13. How many delegates could each states send up to the Continental Congress? pg.243