The River/Brians Winter

  1. 4. The main character.
  2. 5. What Brian watched wolves eat alive.
  3. 6. Where Brian was stranded.
  4. 8. What saved Brian in the end.
  5. 12. Brian went into the forest with only this weapon.
  6. 13. The season it was in the beginning of The Winter
  7. 14. The title of the book related to water.
  1. 1. The country Brian is in.
  2. 2. Brians improved weapon.
  3. 3. The story The River was based off of this. (similar to a lake but bigger)
  4. 5. They went with Brian into the forest in The River.
  5. 7. The title of the book related to snow
  6. 9. The season in the book The Winter.
  7. 10. What Brian used to protect himself from weather
  8. 11. This animal injured Brian extremely badly.