the road to emmaus

  1. 5. - What the disciples offered Jesus during the encounter.
  2. 9. - The nature of the event where Jesus vanished from their sight.
  3. 10. - What the disciples were doing with the stranger.
  4. 14. - How the resurrected Jesus initially appeared to the disciples.
  5. 15. - Where the disciples initially invited Jesus to stay.
  6. 16. - What Jesus did to the disciples when he broke the bread.
  7. 18. - What Jesus broke and blessed at the end of their journey.
  8. 21. - The disciples ________ others about their encounter with Jesus.
  9. 22. - Where the disciples returned to after the encounter.
  10. 23. - Where the disciples invited Jesus to stay and eat with them.
  1. 1. - The event the disciples were discussing on the road.
  2. 2. - One of the disciples who encountered Jesus on the road.
  3. 3. - What Jesus explained to the disciples on the road.
  4. 4. - The disciples returned to Jerusalem in ________ after recognizing Jesus.
  5. 6. - The emotional state of the disciples due to Jesus' death.
  6. 7. - What the two disciples were doing on the road.
  7. 8. - The disciples initially did not ________ Jesus.
  8. 11. - What Jesus did with the bread before breaking it.
  9. 12. - The distance between Jerusalem and Emmaus.
  10. 13. - What the disciples did upon recognizing Jesus.
  11. 17. - The setting for the entire story of the Emmaus encounter.
  12. 19. - The village to which the two disciples were traveling.
  13. 20. - The disciples' report of Jesus' resurrection to the apostles.