The role of science in the development of society.

  1. 2. What is theoretical or practical understanding of a subject?
  2. 4. Which principal approach is concerned with the vocabulary of the language and its existing form at a given time?
  3. 5. country” and “fellow”: according to which principal approach are these words borrowed to?
  4. 7. Which term will be very normal to use to describe a conference in astrophysics or a summer school in theoretical physics?
  5. 8. The word knowledge implies three things : …, Proof, Conviction (what is first one)
  1. 1. What is the intersection of textual criticism, literary criticism, history and linguistics?
  2. 3. Which principal approach deals with the changes and the development of vocabulary in the course of time?
  3. 6. Which branch of philology studies written and oral texts? It considers oral texts as the results of human mental processes.
  4. 8. How many principal approaches to the study of language materials are there in the linguistics?