The Russian Revolution

  1. 4. Peasant forces who fought to keep their lands free of control
  2. 6. Capital of Russia
  3. 9. Greatly reduced educational opportunities, weakened the regional assemblies, and tried to bring the peasants' communes under closer control. Also increased censorship and the surveillance of revolutionary groups
  4. 12. Theories based on one man
  5. 15. what the ruler of Russia was called
  6. 17. the amount of the nations farmland owned by wealthy nobles
  7. 18. Came to power in 1855 and was trying to better Russia by making it more advanced politically and socially
  8. 25. The amount of factory workers in Russia in 1913
  9. 26. Councils formed by workers in Russias industrial centers
  10. 27. The first part of the Russian revolution where the 400 year monarchy was overthrown and a provisional government was established
  11. 29. Exiled from Russia in 1907 as suspected radicals were arrested, imprisoned, or executed
  12. 30. Argued that Russian workers did not yet have the class consciousness they needed to launch a revolution
  13. 31. Extreme measures used by communists to stay in power
  14. 33. The amount of the working class people in Russia in 1913
  15. 34. St. Petersburg workers marched on the czar's palace to present him with a long list of demands. The peaceful march was met with troops who opened fire. About 130 protestors were killed in what was known as
  16. 35. Took over Russia after Lenin died in 1924, by 1928 he was securely in power
  17. 36. The Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party
  1. 1. the amount of rural peasants who farmed small tracts of land and lived in poverty
  2. 2. The color historically associated with socialist revolution and Russian Communists
  3. 3. Vocabulary found on page 319
  4. 5. Called for the overthrow of the czar and the seizure and redistribution of of all land to the peasants
  5. 7. Were illegal until 1905 as Russia was an autocracy
  6. 8. Believed that Russia's future lay with industrialization and a society built around the industrial working class
  7. 10. Russias legislature
  8. 11. Also known as the Constitutional Democratic Party were Russia's main moderate political party throught he revolutions of 1905 and 1917 and the civil war that followed
  9. 13. Bolsheviks' overthrew the Provisional Government and put Lenin in charge of Russia
  10. 14. The term Russians used to describe well educated citizens who had a strong interest in politics and society
  11. 16. Vocabulary found on page 324
  12. 19. Vocabulary found on page 325
  13. 20. Became members of soviets, political parties, and other organizations
  14. 21. Showed the Czar how badly Russia needed to "catch up" to the rest of Europe
  15. 22. Peasants began seizing land or other property from landowners, striking, non Russian parts of the empire rose in revolt. parts of the navy and army mutinied.
  16. 23. Russians who wanted to restore the monarchy, supporters of the Provisional Government and capitalist democracy
  17. 24. Czar of Russia from 1894-1917 did not inspire the fear or respect that his father did
  18. 28. The Provisional Government who were mostly made up of the middle class tried to rule the nation, but the lower class had the All Russian Soviets. This caused chaos to develop
  19. 31. Empowered to deal with only local issues such as road construction and education. All classes had a voice in these assemblies and in electing their members. However in practice they were controlled by the nobility
  20. 32. To some revolutionary leaders a great potential source of revolution