The Russian Revolution and the Impact of WW1

  1. 4. The legislative body in post-war Russia that urged the Czar to step down
  2. 6. A Russian monarch who was forced to step down as emperor following widespread discontent and revolution?
  3. 8. What principle advocated by Woodrow Wilson emphasized the right of each people to have its own nation, as seen in the aftermath of World War I?
  4. 10. An organization proposed by President Woodrow Wilson that encouraged cooperation among nations to maintain peace and prevent future wars after World War I.
  5. 11. The concept where entire societies are involved in the war effort, affecting both military and civilian life.
  6. 12. Anti-Communist forces opposing the Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War
  7. 14. The President of the United States during World War I, known for his idealistic vision for a post-war world.
  8. 15. Payments demanded from defeated nations, especially Germany, as compensation for damages caused during the war.
  9. 16. The feared secret police organization that initiated a campaign of violence during the Russian Civil War.
  1. 1. Russian revolutionary leader who spearheaded the Bolshevik movement
  2. 2. What economic policy, implemented by the Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War, involved the government's control over banks, industries, and agriculture to ensure supplies for the Red Army?
  3. 3. Radical communist faction formed during the Russian Revolution
  4. 5. What treaty marked the end of World War I and imposed significant penalties on Germany, including the War Guilt Clause and reparations payments?
  5. 7. The army that fought for the communist regime during the Russian Civil War
  6. 9. Woodrow Wilson's idealistic plan for lasting peace after World War I.
  7. 12. What location was seized by the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution leading to the provisional government to collapse quickly?
  8. 13. This was used during World War I to influence public opinion and boost morale?