Cool Runnings Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. The winter sport, where athletes race down icy tracks.
  2. 5. What does Junior sell to get the money to go to the olympics?
  3. 6. The tropical island where the story begins.
  4. 11. Year the movie is set in.
  5. 12. Determined and optimistic sprinter who leads the Jamaican Bobsled Team.
  6. 14. What happens to the Jamaicans on the last day of competition?
  7. 15. Derice's best friend, Jamaica's best pushcart driver.
  1. 1. Name of the Jamaicans sled.
  2. 3. Where does Yul want to end up living?
  3. 4. Team that continues to make fun of the Jamaican Bobsled team.
  4. 7. Which character's family is rich?
  5. 8. What did the disgraced Coach do during his time at the olympics?
  6. 9. Who tripped the sprinters during their olympic tryout?
  7. 10. Sanka kisses an ______ for good luck before races.
  8. 13. Name of the coach.
  9. 14. Location the winter olympics take place.