The Science of Sound

  1. 2. Occurring or discovered by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
  2. 4. Capable of producing deep or ringing sounds.
  3. 8. A harmonious sequence or play of sounds.
  4. 9. Related to the sense of hearing.
  5. 10. The action of spreading something, especially a doctrine, practice, etc., from one place to another.
  6. 11. Loud and harsh; grating.
  7. 12. A rhythmic sequence or flow of sounds in language.
  8. 14. The extent or range of a process, action, or quality.
  9. 15. The quality or state of being able to be heard.
  1. 1. Bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind.
  2. 3. A person or thing sent on a special mission.
  3. 5. Involving sound waves with a frequency above the upper limit of human hearing.
  4. 6. To move or swing back and forth in a regular rhythm.
  5. 7. Involving sound waves with a frequency below the lower limit of human hearing.
  6. 13. The spiral cavity of the inner ear containing the organ of Corti, which produces nerve impulses in response to sound vibrations.