The Scientific Method

  1. 4. The variable that is measured to see if it was affected by the change in the independent variable (there can only be one).
  2. 5. Observations based on quantities (numbers).
  3. 6. The last step in the scientific method, where we answer our testable question and determine if our hypothesis is accepted or rejected.
  4. 7. During an experiment, we collect ______ to analyze it and make a conclusion.
  5. 9. These are pieces of factual information gathered by one of our five sense - sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing.
  6. 11. These are the conclusions or assumptions you make based on your observations.
  1. 1. Observations based on qualities/senses.
  2. 2. The type of variable that scientists have chosen to change (there can only be one).
  3. 3. In an experiment, a ______ is the prediction of your answer to your testable question.
  4. 8. Everything in an experiment that remains the same (remains constant). There are often several of them.
  5. 10. These are kinds of questions used in scientific experiments They can be answered with an experiment and will have measurable results.