The Scientific Method

  1. 2. The ______________ variable is observed and measured during an experiment.
  2. 4. Review and suggested improvements for the method.
  3. 7. Step-by-step instructions for an experiment.
  4. 9. The way you feel about something without scientific evidence.
  5. 11. A description of what happens, based on observations.
  6. 12. A scientific prediction that must be testable.
  7. 13. _____________ variables must be held constant or they could affect the results.
  1. 1. If the results disprove your hypothesis, it has been ______________.
  2. 3. The ______________ variable is intentionally changed by the scientist.
  3. 5. Do this before coming up with a hypothesis.
  4. 6. The first step in any scientific investigation.
  5. 8. Final statement on the results of an investigation.
  6. 10. An explanation of how or why something happens, based on facts, laws and proven hypotheses.