The Scientific Method

  1. 6. an irrefutable principle of an aspect of the natural world
  2. 7. testable prediction using an if/then statement
  3. 10. making generalizations based on observations or evidences
  4. 12. variable that is deliberately changed or controlled by experimenter
  1. 1. draw specific conclusions from general principles or premises
  2. 2. collecting data through the senses or instruments
  3. 3. variable that is measured or observed in response to the change in the experiment
  4. 4. a well-substantiated explanation of an aspect of the natural world
  5. 5. a group in an experiment that does not receive treatment or is tested upon
  6. 8. a logical conclusion based on evidence or reasoning
  7. 9. summary of the results of an experiment
  8. 11. information collected through observation or measurement