The Scientific Method

  1. 1. a chart that holds data of your experiment
  2. 6. something that goes wrong in your experiment
  3. 7. a test you do to see if its true
  4. 9. writing down what you think is going to happen
  5. 10. To look at a thing and note down what is happening to that object and or liquid
  6. 12. the end to your experiment
  7. 13. a library of knowledge you or someone put together
  1. 2. things you do in order so you dont do them wrong
  2. 3. to give yourself a question and then try and answer it
  3. 4. to do what you did again
  4. 5. using precautions to keep yourself untouched from danger
  5. 8. signs that tell you what the danger is
  6. 9. the wellness of a living being
  7. 11. to look into your experiment by searching books or the internet
  8. 14. to look at data