the Scientific Method

  1. 3. reproduction of results in a new study
  2. 6. knowledge from experience
  3. 8. general to specific reasoning
  4. 11. facts stated from a respected source
  5. 12. someone who is skeptical, creative, and systematic
  6. 13. specific to general reasoning
  7. 14. what the scientist strives to be when not letting personal wishes and attitudes affect their observations
  1. 1. representing constructs by a specific set of operations
  2. 2. knowledge from reasoning
  3. 4. knowing without reasoning
  4. 5. designed to systematically produce reliable and valid knowledge about the natural world
  5. 7. an approach that claims to be scientific, but in fact violates many tenets of science
  6. 9. term that refers to the manipulation of the conditions that determine a phenomenon
  7. 10. science should be studied and evaluated empirically