The Scientific Method

  1. 1. a possible solution to the problem based on the info gathered
  2. 7. variable what will be observed or measured to obtain results of the experiment
  3. 8. data collected with tools that have graduations on them; rulers, clock, scale, etc.
  4. 9. variable an unplanned variable that affects the outcome
  1. 2. variable the one thing being tested in the experiment
  2. 3. the statement that sums up the results of the experiment
  3. 4. scientific method an organized process scientists use to solve problems in order to better understand the natural world.
  4. 5. a factual statement that indicates what will occur in the natural world under specific circumstances
  5. 6. a factual explanation of why/how some aspect of the natural world occurs
  6. 7. any observations and/or measurements collected during or after an experiment is conducted