The Scientific Method

  1. 3. type of graph that displays data in a number of distinct categories
  2. 5. a variable that can be changed
  3. 6. a possible solution to a problem, based on knowledge and research
  4. 11. a tool that you design to find out if your ideas about your topic are right or wrong
  5. 13. the first stage in understanding the problem
  6. 14. a summary of the experiment's results, and how those results match up to your hypothesis
  1. 1. variable that depends on the independent variable
  2. 2. data is recorded onto this
  3. 4. is used to solve scientific questions
  4. 7. predicted answer to the question, if-then statement
  5. 8. type of graph that shows how dependent variable changes in response to independent variable
  6. 9. list of directions that tests the hypothesis;produces data
  7. 10. group in the procedure where there is no change, normal conditions
  8. 12. data is displayed in this