The Scientific Revolution Crossword Activity

  1. 2. The invention of this object around 1590 allowed biologists to explore a new world that had previously been invisible.
  2. 4. Proposed the laws of universal gravitation as well as the three laws of motion; his work would provide the foundation of modern physics.
  3. 5. Early scientists called themselves "natural _____ "
  4. 6. For more than 2,000 years European scientists believed that a person's health depended on a balance of four body fluids called these.
  5. 8. His work with gasses led him to propose that all matter is made up of smaller particles that join together in different ways.
  6. 10. Greek mathematicians Pythagoras, Euclid, and Archimedes developed theories on which this modern subject is based.
  7. 11. Theory that placed the Earth at the center of the universe with the sun, moon, and plants, all moving in a circular path around it.
  8. 13. Most classical knowledge survived in this empire after the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 CE.
  9. 14. Hooke and Boyle's works greatly advanced the fields of biology and ______.
  10. 15. From this country, Muslim scholars adopted mathematical concepts such as the decimal system, the number zero, and the Arabic numerals.
  11. 16. Added to the heliocentric theory that the planets had elliptical orbits rather than circular ones.
  12. 18. This movement began in Europe around the mid-1500s an introduced great advances in science.
  13. 20. An Englishman who wrote a book called New Instrument that urged scientists to gather data by following specific steps.
  14. 23. A Polish scientist whose theory challenged the long-held view of the Earth as the center of the universe.
  15. 24. A proposed explanation for a set of facts.
  1. 1. A logical procedure for developing and testing ideas.
  2. 3. Theory that states that the sun is at the center of the universe.
  3. 7. In this school of thought, observation, experimentation, and mathematical reasoning replaced ancient wisdom and church teachings as the source of scientific knowledge.
  4. 9. Was condemned by the Catholic Church in 1633 and placed under house arrest for the rest of his life for his support of the heliocentric theory.
  5. 12. Muslims built these special buildings to help study the stars using scientific instruments.
  6. 17. Was the first scientist to describe cells.
  7. 19. Ancient Greeks often based their scientific explanations on this instead of evidence.
  8. 21. One of the key steps of the scientific method is the forming of this, an explanation that can be tested.
  9. 22. French philosopher who believed that everything should be doubted until it was proven by reason.